We’re a group of nerds and critical thinkers. We solve problems.

We have been in this industry for a long time.  We have responded to a lot of incidents. With this experience, we aim to empower organizations with the framework and knowledge to operate as securely as possible.

Compromises are not a matter of IF, but WHEN. Weak passwords, default configurations, publicly exposed assets, unpatched software, unpatched devices..etc are all common attack surfaces. Our goals are to reduce attack surfaces by implementing security from the ground up.

The first step is to be aware of your organizations security posture. We start this process by identifying everything that touches your network and your company data. We evaluate all threats and risks to information systems, and assesses the organization's ability to respond to each identified threat.

What we are best at

Our Services

Everything must be identified and inventoried before cyber security risk can be managed.
Confidentiallity, Integrity and availablity of information. Protections for Identity Management and Access Control within the organization including physical and remote access
Ensuring Anomalies and Events are detected, and their potential impact is understood.
Foundation Framework (FF)
We build off the NIST 5 functions and include our experience and tooling. The results are Continuous cyber security improvements.
Ensuring Response Planning process are executed during and after an incident.
Ensuring the organization implements Recovery Planning processes and procedures to restore systems and/or assets affected by cybersecurity incidents.
Secure your business.
Today is the day to understand what assets you have and the risks they pose.
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